Work and Education of Children in International / Intercultural Comparison: Seminar 2
Gundara, Jagdish. 2000. Introduction. In: Gundara, Jagdish. 2000. Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion. SAGE Pub. 1-22
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Portera, Agostino. 2008. Intercultural education in Europe: epistemological and semantic aspects. In: Intercultural Education Vol 19, No.6, December 2008, 481- 491
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Ross, Dooly, Hartsmar (2012). The Promise of Education. In: Ross; Dooly; Hartsmar. 2012. Equalities and Education in Europe: Explanations and Excuses for inequality. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-20.
Ainscow, Booth, Dyson (2006). Improving School's, Developing Inclusion; Chapter 1, Improving schools, developing inclusion?, pp. 9-27.
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